1.1. To popularise sports feeder fishing.
1.2. To increase sportsmanship of Ukrainian sportsmen, to improve modern fishing tackle techniques.
1.3. To decide the winners and the awardees of the tournament in the individual and the team classifications.
2. Place and Time of the Tournament
2.1.The tournament is held on September 01-04, 2016 in Kiev on the Dnipro Embankment (downstream from the pedestrian bridge).
3.1. The tournament is non-profit and is held under the auspices of Non-Government Organisation “Professional Feeder League”, according to these Regulations, the Tournament Rules, the Regulations on the Procedure for Weighing and Deciding the Tournament Winners of FLAGMAN FEEDER MASTERS.
3.2. The classifications are individual and team. A team shall be composed of two sportsmen, a coach, a reserve sportsman or an assistant.
3.3. The amount of the registration fee is UAH 1,000 (one thousand) per team. All the money collected shall be spent on technical support, referees and sports awards. In case after the organisational expenses are covered some money is left, it shall be added to the prize fund and shall be distributed by the Organiser among the tournament winners.
4.1. Only sportsmen and teams that submitted applications for the participation in the established form and whose participation is confirmed by the Organiser may be allowed to participate in the tournament.
4.2 Competitors shall:
– comply with the Tournament Rules, these Regulations;
– be properly equipped to participate in the tournament according to the Organiser’s requirements;
– comply with referees’ instructions and orders.
4.3 The competitors shall bear full responsibility for any consequences resulting from their violation of the Tournament Rules, these Regulations.
5.1. The tournament is held under the auspices of Non-Government Organisation “Professional Feeder League” and sponsored by TM Flagman.
5.2. The tournament is directly held and refereed by the Panel of referees according to the Tournament Rules, these Regulations, the Regulations on the Procedure for Weighing and Deciding the Tournament Winners of FLAGMAN FEEDER MASTERS.
5.3. The referees shall execute control over the competitors’ actions, keep the result card, arrange weighing and awarding.
5.4 The operation of the referees is supervised by the Tournament Chief Referee. The Tournament Chief Referee and the quantitative composition of the Panel of Referees shall be prescribed by the Organiser.
6.1. Free training until 16:00 (Wednesday, September 01);
6.2. Free training until 16:00 (Friday, September 02);
6.3. First Round of the Tournament (Saturday, September 03);
06:00 – 07:00 –grand opening of the tournament, draw;
07:00- 07:30 –carrying over of tackles to sectors;
07:30 –entrance to the tournament area, preparation of tackles;
09:00 –preliminary feeding;
09:10 –start of the first round;
14:10 –finish of the first round;
14:10 – 16:00 – weighing, summarising of the results of the first round of the tournament.
6.4. Second Round of the Tournament (Sunday, September 04);
06:00 – 07:00 – draw;
07:00- 07:30 – carrying over of tackles to sectors;
07:30 – entrance to the tournament area, preparation of tackles;
09:00 – preliminary feeding;
09:10 – start of the second round;
14:10 –finish of the second round;
14:10 – 16:00 – weighing, summarising of the results of the tournament, awarding of winners.
7.1. Title Sponsor: TM Flagman.
8.1. The total prize fund of the tournament FLAGMAN FEEDER MASTERS Kiev is UAH 25,000 (twenty-fivethousand), including valuable gifts from the Title Sponsor.
9.1.Registration for the tournament shall be opened after these Regulations have been published in the official website of the Title Sponsor at: http://feedermasters.com.ua/en/2016/07/19/feedernasters-kiev-01-09-2016/#register
9.2. 25 teams that were the first to submit applications for the participation in the established form shall be registered.
9.3. The team sthat were the first to submit applications for the participation in the established form, meet the Organiser’s requirements and pay the registration fee shall be allowed to participate in the tournament.
9.4. The Organiser reserves the right to allow ten team stoparticipate in the tournament without registration.
9.5. The Organiser reserves the right to amend the Tournament Procedure, the size of the prize fund, the conditions for participation of teams in the tournament.
10.1. The Panel of Referees may impose sanctionsspecifiedintheTournamentRulesonthesportsmenthatviolatetheTournamentRules.
10.2.Exempting of a sports man from the tournament shall result in exempting of the entire team. In this case, no registration fee shall be returned.
10.3. Eachcompetitor / teammayappealtothePanelofRefereesafter paying to the Panel of Referees an amount of money that shall be equal to the size of the registration fee. Any resolution on the appeal shall be adopted by open voting of members of the Panel of Referees. In case an appeal is sustained, the paid amount money equal to the size of the registration fee shall be returned to the applicant.